
We have adopted five policies namely water, air emissions, waste, climate change, and energy for sustainable development.

  • Measure energy usage, review performance and sustain efforts to reduce energy consumption across the organization
  • Continuously improve and optimise the energy performance of our facilities, equipment, system, and processes
  • Expand the use of renewable energy and strive to use cleaner energy

  • Minimize freshwater consumption by maximizing water re-usage
  • Identify water conservation program through reduces, recycle and reuse
  • Monitor water usage against water reduction targets
  • Zero contaminations of surface water, groundwater and other water resources arising from our daily operations

Air Emissions
  • Monitoring of emissions in daily production by determining baselines in compliance with the internationally recognized protocols and develop ongoing monitoring of emissions
  • All emissions are treated through engineering control and other measures before being released to the environment
  • Minimize our GHG footprint throughout our operations, transportation and logistics flow

  • Designing and managing products and processes to reduce and eventually eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste, and to conserve and recover waste produced
  • Complying with applicable waste legislation
  • Identifying and promoting safe methods of segregation and disposal
  • Promote reduce, reuse, recycling, monitoring
  • Ensuring that all wastewater is treated with international best practice standards before discharge to the environment